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Italian P. M. Decree on April 26th 2020: Measures to prevent Covid diffusion; reopening business and trade.



Art. 1

Urgent measures to contain the contagion on the whole national territory

  1. In order to counter and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout the country, the following measures shall apply :
  2. a) only journeys motivated by proven work needs or situations of necessity or for health reasons are allowed and movements to meet relatives are considered necessary provided that the prohibition of assembly and interpersonal distancing of at least one meter is respected and protections of respiratory tract; in any case, it is forbidden for all natural persons to move or move, by public or private means of transport, to a region other than that in which they are currently located, except for proven work needs, of absolute urgency or for health reasons; in any case, the return to one’s home, home or residence is allowed;
  3. b) subjects with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5 ° C) must remain at their home and limit social contacts as much as possible, by contacting their doctor ;
  4. c) it is absolutely forbidden to move from one’s home or dwelling for subjects subjected to the quarantine measure or positive to the virus;
  5. d) any form of gathering of people in public or private places is prohibited; the auditor may order the temporary closure of specific areas in which it is not possible to ensure otherwise compliance with the provisions of this letter;
  6. e) public access to parks, villas and public gardens is subject to strict compliance with the provisions of letter d), as well as the interpersonal safety distance of one meter; the mayor may order the temporary closure of specific areas where it is not possible to ensure otherwise the respect of what provided by this letter; the areas equipped for the children’s game are closed;
  7. f) it is not allowed to carry out recreational or outdoor activities; it is allowed to carry out individually, or with an accompanying person for minors or people who are not completely self-sufficient, sports or physical activity, provided that in any case in compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters for sports activities and at least one meter for each other activities;
  8. g) were suspended the events and the competitions sports of every order and discipline in places public or private. In order to allow the gradual resumption of sports activities, in compliance with priority health protection needs related to the risk of spreading from COVID-19, the training sessions of athletes, professionals and non-professionals – recognized as being of national interest by the National Olympic Committee Italian (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and by respective federations, in view of their participation in the Games Olympics or in events national and international – are permitted, in accordance with the norms of social distancing and without gathering behind closed doors, for the individual sports athletes. For these purposes, shall be issued after validation of the technical and scientific committee set up at the Department of Civil Defense, special-Guide lines, to the Office cure for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, on proposal of CONI or the CIP, heard the Federation Medical Italian Sport, the Federations Sports National, the Disciplines Sports Associate and the bodies of sport promotion;
  9. h) the lifts in the ski areas are closed ;
  10. i) are suspended organized demonstrations, events and shows of any nature with the presence of the public, ivi included those of character cultural, recreational, sports, religious and trade fair, held in each place, whether public or private, which, in by way of example, public and private parties , even in private homes, events of any type and entity, cinemas, theaters, pubs, dance schools, game rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls, discos and similar places; in these places all activities are suspended ; the opening of places of worship is conditioned to the adoption of measures organizational such as to avoid gatherings of people, taking into account the size and the characteristics of the places, and sufficient to ensure that goers the possibility to respect the distance between them at least one meter . Civil and religious ceremonies are suspended; funeral ceremonies are allowed with the exclusive participation of relatives and, in any case, up to a maximum of fifteen people, preferably to be held outdoors, wearing respiratory protection and strictly respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter ;
  11. j) I am suspended the services of opening to the public of museums and of other institutions and places of culture where art. 101 of the Code of goods cultural and the landscape, of which the decree law 22 January 2004 n. 42;
  12. k) the educational services for children pursuant to art. 2 of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 65, and the activities didactic in presence in the schools of each order and degree, as well as the frequency of school and higher education activities, including the Universities and Institutions for Higher Artistic and Musical, professional courses, master classes for health professions and universities for the elderly, as well as the courses professional and the business training conducted by other public bodies, including territorial and local and private entities, without in any case the possibility of conducting distance learning activities. Specific training courses in general medicine are excluded from the suspension. The courses for doctors in specialized training and the activities of the trainees of the health and medical professions can in any case continue even in non- presence mode . In order to maintain social distancing, any other form of alternative aggregation is to be excluded . They suspended the meetings of the organs collegial in the presence of schools and educational institutions of all levels. The managing bodies ensure the cleanliness of the environments and the administrative and accounting obligations concerning the educational services for children referred to, which are not part of educational clubs or comprehensive institutions ;
  13. l) educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and didactic excursions, however named, are scheduled, programmed by schools of all levels;
  14. m) the executives educational activated, for all the duration of the suspension of activities teaching in schools, teaching mode Remote also having regard to the specific needs of students with disabilities;
  15. n) in the University and in institutions of high training artistic music and dance, they for the entire duration of the suspension, the didactic or curricular activities can be carried out, where possible, with remote mode, identified by the same Universities and Institutions, had particular regard to specific needs of students with disabilities; the University and the institutions, subsequently to the restoration of ordinary functionality, ensure, where deemed necessary and in any case by identifying the relative mode, the recovery of the training activities as well as those curricular or of any other test or verification, also intermediate, which prove functional to the completion of the educational path; universities, institutions of high musical and dance and artistic education in institutions public of research can be carried out tests, training, activities of research and the experimental laboratory and / or teaching and exercises, and is also allowed the use of libraries, to provided that there is an organization of space and labor as to minimize the  risk of proximity and combination and that are adopted organizational prevention and protection measures, contextualized to the field of education superior and the  investigation, also had regard to specific needs of people with disabilities, referred to in  the “Technical document on the possible remodulation of measures to contain SARS-CoV- 2 contagion in the workplace and prevention strategies” published by INAIL. For the purposes referred to in the previous period, universities, institutions of high artistic, musical and choreutic education and public research bodies ensure, pursuant to article 87, paragraph 1, letter a), of the decree-law of 17 March 2020 , n. 18, the presence of the personnel necessary to carry out the aforementioned activities;
  16. o) for the benefit of students who are not allowed, due to the needs related to the health emergency referred to in this decree, to participate in the didactic or curricular activities of universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and choreutic training, these activities can be carried out, wherever possible, with remote mode, identified by the same universities and institutions, it had also regard to the specific needs of students with disabilities; the universities and institutions ensure, where deemed necessary and in any case by identifying the relative mode, the recovery of the training activities, as well as those curricular, or of any other tests or checks, even intermediate, which are essential to the completion of the learning path; the absences accrued by the students referred to in this letter are not counted for the purpose of admission to final exams as well as for the purposes of the relative assessments;
  17. p) the administrations to which they belong may, by means of a general managerial decree or a similar provision in relation to the respective regulations, redefine the didactic and organizational methods of the training courses and those of a university nature of the staff of the police and armed forces, in phase of completion on 9 March 2020, to which the provisions of art. 2, paragraph 1, letter h) Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 8 March 2020, also providing for the use of educational activities and remote examinations and possible suppression of evidence not yet taken place, stop prejudice the validity of the tests of examination already incurred for the purpose of forming the final ranking of the course. The periods of absence from said courses of training, however related to the phenomenon epidemiological from COVID-19, they do not contribute to the achievement of the absences limit beyond which the postponement, admission to the recovery or discharge of the year by the same courses;
  18. q) private insolvency procedures are suspended with the exception of cases in which candidates are assessed exclusively on a curricular basis or remotely; procedures for insolvency public remains stationary as foreseen by art. 87, paragraph 5, of the decree-law of 17 March 2020, no. 18, and by art. 4 of the decree-law 8 April 2020, n. 22;
  19. r) ordinary leave of health and technical personnel, as well as of personnel whose activities are necessary to manage the activities required by crisis units set up at regional level, are suspended ;
  20. s) congresses, meetings, gatherings and social events are suspended, in which healthcare personnel or personnel in charge of carrying out essential public services or utilities are involved; any other conference or congress activities are also deferred to a date subsequent to the term of effectiveness of this decree ;
  21. t) in all possible cases, in the course of meetings, remote connection methods are adopted with particular reference to health and socio-sanitary structures, public utility services and coordinations activated in the context of the emergency COVID-19, in any case ensuring the respect for the interpersonal safety distance of one meter;
  22. u) the activities of gyms, sports centers, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas (except for the provision of services falling within the essential levels of assistance), cultural centers, social centers, leisure centers are suspended ;
  23. v) the suitability exams pursuant to art. 121 of the legislative decree 30 April 1992, n. 285, to be carried out at the peripheral offices of the civil motorisation ; with a specific management provision, the extension of the terms provided for in articles 121 and 122 of the legislative decree of 30 April 1992, n. 285;
  24. w) accompanying patients is forbidden to remain in the waiting rooms of the emergency and reception departments and emergency rooms (DEA / PS), unless specifically indicated otherwise by the health personnel in charge;
  25. x) the access of relatives and visitors to hospitality and long-term care facilities, assisted healthcare residences (RSA), hospices, rehabilitation structures and residential structures for the elderly, self-sufficient and not self-sufficient, is limited to the cases indicated by the structure’s health management only, that it is required to take the necessary measures to prevent possible transmission of infection;
  26. y) taking into account the indications provided by the Ministry of Health, in agreement with the coordinator of the interventions for overcoming the coronavirus emergency, the territorial divisions of the National Health Service ensure the Ministry of Justice suitable support for the containment of the spread of the infection of the COVID- 19, also through adequate safeguards suitable to guarantee, according to the health protocols drawn up by the Directorate-General for Health Prevention of the Ministry of Health, new entrances to penitentiary institutions and criminal institutions for minors. The symptomatic cases of the new entrances are placed in isolation from the other prisoners, recommending to evaluate the possibility of alternative measures of home detention. The visual interviews are held by telephone or video, also in derogation of the duration currently provided for by the current provisions . In cases exceptional can be authorized the interview staff, on condition that it ensures in so absolute a distance equal to two meters. It is recommended to limit the permissions and the probation or to modify the relative speeds in order to avoid the exit and the return from prisons, considering the possibility of alternative measures of detention home;
  27. z) retail businesses are suspended, with the exception of the food and basic necessities activities identified in Annex 1, both in the context of the neighborhood businesses, and in the medium and large-scale distribution, also included in shopping centers, provided that access to the aforementioned activities is allowed. They are closed, regardless of the type of business, markets, except for the activities aimed at the sale of only kinds food. Remain open the newsstands, the tobacco shops, the pharmacy, the drugstores. In any case, the interpersonal safety distance of one meter must be guaranteed ;
  28. aa) the activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream shops, pastry shops) are suspended, with the exception of canteens and continuous catering on a contractual basis, which guarantee the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter. Catering with home delivery in compliance with hygienic-sanitary rules for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with takeaway without prejudice to the obligation to respect the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, is prohibited. to consume the products inside the premises and the prohibition to stop in  the immediate vicinity of the same;
  29. bb) closed the administration exercises of foods and drinks, places within the stations railway and lake, as well as in the areas of service and supply fuel, with the exception of those located along the highways, they can sell only products from takeaway to be consumed to outside the premises; those located in hospitals and airports remain open, with the obligation to ensure compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least one meter in any case ;
  30. cc) activities relating to personal services (including hairdressers, barbers, beauticians) other than those identified in Annex 2 are suspended;
  31. dd) commercial establishments whose activity is not suspended pursuant to this decree are required to ensure, in addition to the interpersonal distance of one meter, that the inputs are carried out in deferred mode and that is prevented to stop within the premises most of the time necessary to purchase the goods. The application of the measures listed in Annex 5 is also recommended ;
  32. ee) banking, financial, insurance services as well as the agricultural, livestock and agro-food processing sector, including the supply chains that supply goods and services, remain guaranteed, in compliance with hygiene and health standards;
  33. ff) the President of the Region has the planning of the service delivered by the transport companies public place, even not the line, aimed at the reduction and the elimination of services in relation to health interventions necessary to contain the emergency COVID-19 based on the actual needs and for the sole purpose of ensuring the minimum essential services, the supply of which must, however, be modulated in such a way as to avoid overcrowding of the means of transport during the time slots of the day in which the greatest presence of users is registered . For the same purposes, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, with a decree adopted in consultation with the Minister of Health, may order, in order to contain the health emergency from COVID-19, reductions, suspensions or limitations in transport services, including international, automotive, rail, air, sea and inland waters, including by imposing specific obligations on users, crews, carriers and shipowners;
  34. gg) without prejudice to the provisions of art. 87 of the decree-law 17 March 2020, n. 18, for public employers, the agile working method governed by articles 18 to 23 of the law 22 May 2017, n. 81, can be applied by private employers to any subordinate employment relationship, in compliance with the principles dictated by the aforementioned provisions, even in the absence of individual agreements provided for therein; the disclosure obligations pursuant to art. 22 of the law 22 May 2017, n. 81, are acquitted electronically also using the documentation made available on the website of the National Institute for Accident Insurance at Work;
  35. hh) in any case, it is recommended that public and private employers promote the use of periods of ordinary leave and holidays, without prejudice to the provisions of the previous letter and art. 2, paragraph 2;
  36. ii) with regard to professional activities, it is recommended that:
  1. a) the maximum use of agile working methods is implemented for the activities that can be carried out at home or in remote mode ;
  2. b) leave and paid leave for employees as well as other instruments provided for in collective bargaining are encouraged ;
  3. c) are employed protocols of security anti-infection and, if not it can comply interpersonal distance of one meter as the main containment measures, with the adoption of security tools individual;
  4. d) sanitation of the workplace is encouraged, also by using forms of social safety nets for this purpose ;
  5. jj) the attachments 1 and 2 may be modified by decree of the Minister of the development budget, after consulting the Minister of Economy and Finance.

Art. 2

Contagion containment measures for the safe conduct of industrial and commercial production activities

  1. All industrial and commercial production activities are suspended throughout Italy, with the exception of those indicated in Annex 3. The list of codes in Annex 3 can be modified by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, after hearing the Minister of Economy and Finance. For public administrations, the provisions of article 87 of the decree-law of 17 March 2020, n. 18, and article 1 of this decree; It must also remain stationary as foreseen in Article 1 of this decree to the activities business and the professional services.
  2. The production activities suspended as a result of the provisions of this article may however continue if organized in remote mode or agile work .
  3. They are still permitted activities that provide public utility services and essential services to which the law 12 June 1990 n. 146, without prejudice to the provisions of article 1 for museums and other cultural institutes and places, as well as for services relating to education.
  4. The production, transport, marketing and delivery of medicines, health technology and medical-surgical devices as well as agricultural and food products are always allowed.Any activity that is functional to deal with the emergency is also permitted .
  5. The companies holding general authorization pursuant to Legislative Decree 22 July 1999, n. 261, primarily ensure the distribution and delivery of perishable products and basic necessities.
  6. The companies whose activities are not suspended respect the content of the protocol shared regulatory measures for combating and containing the spread of the virus in 19- covid environments of work signed on 24 April 2020 between the Government and the party social of referred to in Annex 6, as well as, for their respective areas of competence, the shared regulatory protocol for the containment of the spread of covid-19 on construction sites, signed on April 24, 2020 between the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Labor and social and labor policies, set out in Annex 7, and the protocol of shared rules for containment of the spread of covid-19 in the field of transport and the logistics signed on 20 March 2020 of which Annex
  7. Failure to implement the protocols that do not ensure adequate levels of protection causes the suspension of the activity until the restoration of the safety conditions.
  8. The companies, whose activities had to be suspended due to the amendments set out in Annex 3, or any other cause, complete the activities necessary to the suspension, including the shipment of goods in stock, within the term of three days from ‘adoption of the modification decree or in any case by the provision that determines the suspension.
  9. For suspended production activities, upon communication to the Prefect, access to company premises by employees or third parties delegated for carrying out surveillance activities, conservation and maintenance activities, payment management as well as cleaning and sanitization activities is allowed. . Upon communication to the Prefect, the shipment of goods in storage as well as the reception of goods and supplies in the warehouse is permitted .
  10. The companies, which take over the their activities in starting from 4 May 2020 can do all the preparatory activities for the re-opening as of the date of 27 April year 2020.
  11. The companies, the whose activities are still permitted the date of entry into force of this decree, continue their activities according to the provisions of paragraph 6.
  12. To ensure that production activities are carried out in safe conditions, the Regions monitor the trend of the epidemiological situation in their territories on a daily basis and,in relation to this trend, the conditions of adequacy of the regional health system. The monitoring data are communicated daily by the Regions to the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the technical-scientific committee referred to in the ordinance of the Head of the Civil Protection Department of 3 February 2020, n. 630, and subsequent modifications. In cases where the monitoring reveals an aggravation of the health risk, identified according to the principles for health risk monitoring set out in Annex 10 and according to the criteria established by the Minister of Health within five days from the date of April 27, 2020, the President Region proposes promptly to the Minister of Health, the purpose of the immediate exercise of the powers to which Article  2, paragraph 2 of the decree-law of 25 March 2020, n. 19, the necessary and urgent restrictive measures for the productive activities of the areas of the regional territory specifically affected by the aggravation.

Art. 3

Information and prevention measures on the whole national territory

  1. The following measures also apply throughout Italy :
  2. a) the personal health it concerns the appropriate measures for the prevention of the spread of infection by way respiratory provided for by legislation in force and by the Ministry of Health on the basis of the indications of the World Health Organization and the heads of the individual structures apply the indications for the sanitation and disinfection of the environments provided by the Ministry of Health;
  3. b) an express recommendation is made to all elderly people or those suffering from chronic or multimorbable diseases or with states of congenital or acquired immunosuppression, to avoid leaving their home or home out of cases of strict necessity;
  4. c) in the educational services for children referred to in Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 65 , in schools of all levels, in universities, in the offices of the remaining public administrations, information on the health and hygiene prevention measures referred to in Annex 4 is displayed in the spaces open to the public, that is to say, of greater crowding and transit ;
  5. d) the statutory auditors and trade associations promote the dissemination of information on health and hygiene prevention measures referred to in Annex 4 also in commercial establishments;
  6. e) in public administrations and, in particular, in the areas of access to the facilities of the health service, as well as in all the rooms open to the public, in accordance with the provisions of that to the Directive Minister for the Public Administration 25 February 2020 n. 1, are put at disposal of the employees as well as users and visitors, disinfectant solutions for the hygiene of hands;
  7. f) public transport companies, even long-distance ones, take extraordinary measures to sanitize vehicles, repeated at close intervals;
  8. g) it is recommended the application of the measures of prevention hygienic health of which Annex 4.
  9. For the purposes of limiting the spread of the virus COVID-19, is made compulsory on the entire national territory to use respiratory protection in enclosed places accessible tothe public, including public transport and in any case on all occasions where it is not It is possible to continuously guarantee the maintenance of the safety distance. Children under the age of six are not subject to the obligation, as well as subjects with forms of disabilities that are not compatible with the continuous use of the mask or subjects who interact with the aforementioned.
  10. For the purposes referred to in paragraph 2, community masks, or disposable masks or washable masks, also self-produced, in multilayer materials suitable to provide anadequate barrier and, at the same time, which guarantee comfort and breathability, form may be used and adequate adhesion that allow to cover from the chin above the nose.
  11. The use of community masks is added to other protection measures aimed at reducing contagion (such as physical distancing and constant and accurate hand hygiene) which remain unchanged and priority.

Art. 4

Provisions regarding entry into Italy

  1. Without prejudice to the provisions of that article. 1, paragraph 1, letter a), anyone who intends to enter the national territory, by air line, sea, lakeside, rail or land is held, the purpose of access to the service, to be delivered to the carrier at the time of boarding declaration made pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the decree of the President of the Republic of December 28, 2000, n. 445 indicating clearly and in detail, such as to allow checks by carriers or shipowners, of:
  2. a) reasons for the trip, in compliance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 1, letter a), of this decree;
  3. b) full address of the home or residence in Italy where the health surveillance period and the fiduciary isolation referred to in paragraph 3 will be carried out and the private means of transport that will be used to reach it;
  4. c) address telephone also moving at which to receive the communication during the entire period of isolation and health monitoring trustee.
  1. Carriers and owners acquire and verify before boarding the documentation referred to in paragraph 1, providing the measurement of the temperature of the individual passengers and prohibiting boarding if manifest a feverish state, as well as in the case in which the aforementioned documents do not is complete. They are also required to take organizational measures, in accordance with the instructions set out in the”Protocol shared regulators to contain the spread of covid – 19 in the field of transport and the ” logistics of industry signed on 20 March 2020 of which all Annex 8, as well as the “Guidelines for informing users and the organizational methods for containing the spread of the covid-19” set out in Annex 9, ensure an interpersonal distance of at least one meter at all times of the journey among the passengers, as well as the use by the crew and passengers of the individual means of protection, with contextual indication of the situations in which the same can be temporarily and exceptionally removed. At the time of embarkation, the carrier provides the passengers, who are not equipped with them, with individual means of protection .
  1. The people who make entry into Italy with the mode of which at paragraph 1, even if asymptomatic, are obliged to communicate it immediately to the Department of prevention company responsible health territory and are subject to health surveillance and isolation trust for a period of fourteen days at the home or residence previously indicated at the time of boarding pursuant to paragraph 1, letter b). In the event of COVID-19 symptoms occurring, they are obliged to report this situation promptly to the Health Authority through the specifically dedicated telephone numbers .
  1. In the case referred to in paragraph 3, where the place of landing of the means of long- distance transport used to make input in Italy not be possible for one or more people get to actually using means of transport private housing or the home, indicated to the departureas a place of performing the period of care and fiduciary oversight isolation, subject to verification by the judicial authority with regard to the possible falsity of the statement made at the time of embarkation to the senses of the quoted letter b) of paragraph 1, the Authority health responsible for the territory shall immediately inform the Regional civil Protection, in coordination with the Department of civil Protection of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, shall determine the manner and the place where conduct health surveillance and trustee isolation, with the sole responsibility of the expenses people subjected to the aforementioned measure. In the case of onset of symptoms COVID-19, the subject of which the period preceding are obliged to report this situation with timely Authority health through telephone numbers of specially dedicated.
  1. Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 1, letter a) natural persons who enter Italy via private vehicle, although asymptomatic, are obliged to immediately notify their arrival in Italy at the Department of Prevention competent health authority for the place in which you will carry out the period of sanitary surveillance and fiduciary isolation

, and are subjected to sanitary surveillance and fiduciary isolation for a period of fourteen days at the home or home indicated in the same communication. In the event of COVID- 19 symptoms occurring, they are obliged to report this situation promptly to the Health Authority through the specifically dedicated telephone numbers .

  1. In the event of which to paragraph 5, if not it is possible to reach the house or the house, referred to as the place of performance of the period of care and fiduciary oversight isolation, individuals are required to notify the competent authority for health territory, which shall immediately inform the Regional civil Protection, in coordination with the Department of civil Protection of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, shall determine how and where do the monitoring health and isolation trustee, with expenses in charge exclusively of people subjected to the aforementioned measure.
  1. With the exception of the hypotheses in which there is the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, during the period of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation carried out according to the modalities foreseen by the previous paragraphs, it is always allowed for the persons subjected to these measures, to start the calculation of a new period of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation at another home or residence, other than thatpreviously indicated by the Health Authority, provided that the declaration provided for in paragraph 1, letter b) is sent to the same Authority, integrated with the indication of the ‘route that it intends to carry out, and ensuring that the transfer to the new home or dwelling takes place according to the rules laid down by the above-mentioned letter b).  The Authority health, received the communication referred to in the previous period, it shall forward it immediately to the Department of Business preventive health territorially competent in relation to the place of destination for the checks and verifications of competence.
  1. The operator of health public and the services of health public territorially competent shall, on the basis of the information referred to in this Article, the prescription of home stay, in the manner hereinafter indicated:
  2. a) contact by telephone and obtain information, as detailed and documented as possible, on the areas of stay and on the journey made during the previous fourteen days, for the purpose of an adequate assessment of the risk of exposure;
  3. b) start monitoring health and the trust insulation, the operator of Public Health informs also the doctor of medicine general or the pediatrician of free choice by which the subject is also seen for the purposes of certification for INPS (INPS circular HERMES 25 February 2020 0000716 of 25 February 2020);
  4. c) in the case of necessity of certification for purposes INPS for absence from work, we proceed to release a statement addressed to the INPS, the employer and the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice in which he declares that for reasons of health public it has been placed in a precautionary quarantine, along with the dates of beginning and end;
  5. d) ascertain the absence of fever or other symptoms of the person to be placed in isolation, as well as of any other cohabiting partners;
  6. e) inform the person about the symptoms, the characteristics of contagiousness, the methods of transmission of the disease, the measures to be implemented to protect any cohabitants in the event of the appearance of symptoms;
  7. f) inform the person about the need to measure the temperature of the body two times a day (morning and evening), as well as maintaining:

1)        the state of isolation for fourteen days from the last exposure;

2)        the prohibition of social contacts ;

3)        a ban on travel and travel;

4)        the obligation to remain reachable for surveillance activities ;

  1. g) in case of symptoms, the person supervised must:

1)        immediately notify the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice and the public health operator ;

2)        wear the surgical mask provided at the start of the health procedure and move away from the other partners;

3)        stay in your room with the door closed ensuring adequate natural ventilation, pending transfer to the hospital, if necessary;

  1. h) the public health operator takes care of contacting the person under surveillance on a daily basis to find out about health conditions. In the event of symptoms, after consulting the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice, the public health doctor proceeds according to the provisions of circular no. 5443 of the Ministry of Health of 22 February 2020, and subsequent amendments and additions.
  1. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 8 do not apply:
  2. a) the crew of the means of transport;
  3. b) to traveling staff belonging to companies with registered offices in Italy;
  4. c) to healthcare personnel entering Italy for the exercise of professional healthcare qualifications, including the temporary exercise referred to in art. 13 of the decree-law 17 March 2020, n. 18;
  5. d) cross-border workers in and out of the national territory, for justified reasons of employment and for the subsequent re-entry into their residence, dwelling or dwelling, in compliance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 1, letter a), of this decree.
  6. In exceptional cases and, in any case, only in the presence of needs for the protection of citizens abroad and for the fulfillment of international and European obligations, including those deriving from the implementation of Council Directive (EU) 2015/637 of 20 April 2015 , the coordination and cooperation measures to facilitate consular protection for unrepresented EU citizens in third countries and repealing decision 95/553 / EC, by decree of the Minister for infrastructure and the transport, adopted on a proposal of the Minister of Affairs Foreign and the international cooperation and consultation with the Minister of health, specific and temporary derogations may be provided with this article.

Art. 5

Transits and short-term stays in Italy

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of art. 4, only for proven business needs and for a period not superior to 72 hours, unless justified extension for specific requirements for additional 48 hours, anyone who intends to enter the national territory, by air line, sea, lakeside, railway or terrestrial, is held, the purpose of access to the service, to be delivered to the carrier during loading declaration made under articles 46 and 47 of the decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445, indicating clearly and in detail, such as to allow checks by carriers or shipowners, of:
  2. a) proven working needs and length of stay in Italy;
  3. b) full address of the home, residence or place of stay in Italy and the private vehicle that will be used to reach it from the place of landing; in the case of multiple homes, homes or places of stay, full addresses of each of them and an indication of the private vehicle used to make the transfers;
  4. c) telephone number, including mobile, where to receive communications while staying in Italy.
  1. With the declaration referred to in paragraph 1, the obligations are also assumed :
  2. a) the expiration of the period of stay indicated in accordance with the letter a) of paragraph 1, to immediately leave the country and, failing that, to begin the period of health supervision and the isolation of trust for a period of fourteen days from l ‘ dwelling, the dwelling or the place of stay indicated under point b) of the same paragraph 1;
  3. b) to report, in the event of the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, this situation promptly to the prevention department of the local health company through the specifically

dedicated telephone numbers and to undergo, pending the consequent determinations of

the health authority, to isolation.

  1. Carriers and owners acquire and verify before boarding the documentation referred to in paragraph 1, providing the measurement of the temperature of the individual passengers and prohibiting boarding if manifest one was feverish or in the case in which the above- mentioned documents do not both complete. They are also required to take organizational measures, in accordance with the instructions set out in the “Protocol shared theregulations for the containment of the spread of covid-19 in transport and logistics sector ”sector signed on 20 March 2020, referred to in Annex 8, as well as to the“ Guidelines for informing users and the organizational methods for containing the spread of the covid-19 ”, of which Annex 9, ensure at all times of the trip  an interpersonal distance of at least one meter between the passengers, as well as the use  by the crew and passengers of the individual means of protection, with contextual indication of the situations in which the they can be temporarily and exceptionally removed. At the time of embarkation, the carrier provides the passengers, who are not equipped with them, with individual means of protection .
  1. Those who enter the Italian territory, for the reasons and according to the procedures referred to in paragraph 1, even if asymptomatic, are required toimmediately communicate this circumstance to the Prevention Department of the competent health company based on the place of entry in the national territory .
  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of art. 4, only for proven business needs and for a period not superior to 72 hours, unless justified extension for specific requirements for additional 48 hours, anyone who intends to make entry into the territory national, bymeans of transport private, you must immediately notify your input in Italy to the Prevention Department of the competent health company based on the place of entry into the national territory, simultaneously making a declaration, pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the Presidential Decree of December 28, 2000, n. 445, indicating clearly and in detail, such as to allow verifications by the competent Authorities, of:
  2. a) proven working needs and length of stay in Italy;
  3. b) full address of the home, residence or place of stay in Italy and the private vehicle that will be used to reach it; in the case of multiple homes, dwellings or places of stay, full addresses of each of them and the private means used to make the transfers;
  4. c) telephone number, including mobile, where to receive communications while staying in Italy.
  1. By means of the declaration referred to in paragraph 5, the following obligations are also assumed :
  2. a) the expiration of the period of stay, to leave immediately the territory national and, failing that, to begin the period of health supervision and fiduciary isolation for a period of fourteen days from the dwelling, the dwelling or the place of residence indicated in the communication itself;
  3. b) to report, in the event of the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, this situation promptly to the prevention department of the local health company through the specifically dedicated telephone numbers and to undergo, pending the consequent determinations of the health authority, to isolation.
  1. In the case of land transport is authorized transit by private car, in the Italian territory, even to get to another State (EU or non-EU), subject to the obligation to immediately notify the proper entry in Italy at the Department of Prevention of the healthcare company competent on the basis of the place of entry into the national territory and, in the event of COVID-19 symptoms occurring, to promptly report this situation to the Health Authority through the specifically dedicated telephone numbers. The maximum period of stay inItaly is 24 hours, extendable for specific and proven needs of an additional 12 hours. In the event of exceeding the period of stay provided for in this paragraph, the obligations of communication and submission to health surveillance and fiduciary isolation provided for by art. 4, paragraphs 6 and 7.
  1. In the case of air transport, the obligations referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4, as wellas those provided for by art. 4, paragraphs 1 and 3 do not they apply to passengers in transit and destination end in a another State (EU or non-EU), subject to the requirement  to report, in case of the onset of symptoms COVID-19, this situation with promptness to Department of prevention Company medical room for the through specially dedicated telephone numbers and to submit, pending the consequent determinations Authority’s health, to isolation. The passengers in transit, and destination end in another State (EU or non-EU) or in other places of the national territory, are nevertheless required:
  2. a) for the purpose of access to the transport service to Italy, to deliver to the carrier upon embarkation a declaration made pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445 , indicating clearly and in detail, such as to allow checks by carriers or shipowners, of:

1)        reasons for the trip and length of stay in Italy;

2)        locations Italian or another State (EU or non EU) to target final code identifier of the ticket and the means of long-distance transport used to reach the destination end;

3)        delivery phone also movable at which to receive the communications during the stay in Italy;

  1. b) not to leave the areas specifically intended for them inside the terminals.
  1. In the case of air transport, passengers in transit with final destination within the Italian territory make the communication referred to in paragraph 4 or that required by art. 4, paragraph 3, a result of the landing in the place of destination final and in respect of the Department of preventive health authority has territorial jurisdiction on the basis of thesaid place. The place of final destination, also for the purposes of applying art. 4,  paragraph 4, is considered to be the place of disembarkation of the means of transport used to enter Italy.
  1. The provisions of this article do not apply:
  2. a) the crew of the means of transport;
  3. b) to traveling staff belonging to companies with registered offices in Italy;
  4. c) to healthcare personnel entering Italy for the exercise of professional healthcare qualifications, including the temporary exercise referred to in art. 13 of the decree-law 17 March 2020, n. 18;
  5. d) cross-border workers in and out of the national territory, for justified reasons of employment and for the subsequent re-entry into their residence, dwelling or dwelling, in compliance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 1, letter a) of this decree.
  1. In exceptional cases and, in any case, only in the presence of needs for the protection of citizens abroad and the fulfillment of international and European obligations, including those deriving from the implementation of Council Directive (EU) 2015/637 of 20 April 2015 , the coordination and cooperation measures to facilitate consular protection for unrepresented EU citizens in third countries and repealing decision 95/553 / EC, by decree of the Minister for infrastructure and the transport, adopted on a proposal of the Ministerof Affairs Foreign and the international cooperation and consultation with the Minister of health, specific and temporary derogations may be provided with this article.

Art. 6

Provisions relating to cruise ships and foreign flag ships

  1. In order to counter the spread of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, cruise services by Italian flag passenger ships are suspended .
  1. It is forbidden for all management companies, ship owners and masters of Italian passenger ships used in cruise services to embark passengers in addition to those already on board, starting from the date of entry into force of this decree and until the end of the cruise in progress.
  1. Having ensured the execution of all the health prevention measures ordered by the competent Authorities, all the management companies, shipowners and masters of the Italian passenger ships used in cruise services will disembark all the passengers on boardin the port of end of cruise if not already landed in previous stopovers.
  1. Upon landing in Italian ports :
  2. a) the passengers with residence, domicile or residence usual in Italy are obliged to immediately notify their arrival in Italy at the Department of Prevention competent health authority for the area and are subject to health and isolation fiduciary supervision for a period of fourteen days at the residence, the home or the home customary in Italy. In the event of the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, they are obliged to report this situation promptly to the Health Authority through the specifically dedicated telephone numbers ;
  3. b) passengers of Italian nationality and residing abroad are obliged to immediately communicate their entry into Italy to the prevention department of the health authority responsible for the territory and are subjected to health surveillance and fiduciary isolation for a period of fourteen days at the location indicated by them at the time of the landing in Italy to the above Department; alternatively, they can request to be immediately transferred by air or road transport to foreign destinations at the expense of the owner. In the event of the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, they are obliged to report this situation promptly to the Health Authority through the specifically dedicated telephone numbers;
  4. c) the passengers of national foreign and residents abroad are immediately transferred from foreign destinations with expenses borne by the shipowner.
  1. The passengers referred to in letters a) and b) of paragraph 4 will reach the residence, domicile, habitual residence in Italy or the location indicated by them when disembarking exclusively by private means of transport .
  1. Unless otherwise indicated by the Health Authority, where the presence of at least one case of COVID-19 has been ascertained on the ship, passengers for whom close contact is ascertained, within the terms defined by the Health Authority, are subject to surveillance healthcare and fiduciary isolation at the location indicated by them on the nationalterritory or they are immediately transferred to foreign destinations, with protected and dedicated transport, and expenses to be paid by the shipowner.
  1. The provisions of referred to in paragraphs 4 and 6 will apply also to the crew in relation to the nationality of membership. The crew is however allowed , subject to authorization by the Health Authority , to undergo health surveillance and fiduciary isolation on board the ship.
  1. It is prohibited to management companies, to shipowners and masters of passenger ships flag foreign employed in the services of cruise you have in forecasting stops in ports Italians to make entry into these ports, even for the purpose of stopping idle.
  1. In exceptional cases and, in any case, only in the presence of needs for the protection of citizens abroad and for the fulfillment of international and European obligations, including those deriving from the implementation of Council Directive (EU) 2015/637 of 20 April 2015 , the coordination and cooperation measures to facilitate consular protection for unrepresented EU citizens in third countries and repealing decision 95/553 / EC, by decree of the Minister for infrastructure and the transport, adopted on a proposal of the Ministerof Affairs Foreign and the international cooperation and consultation with the Minister of health, specific and temporary derogations may be provided with this article.

Art. 7

Line public transport measures

  1. In order to combat and contain the spread of the virus COVID-19, the public transport activities in line terrestrial, marine, rail, air, lakeside and in waters inland, are carried out, even on the basis of what foreseen in the “Protocol shared of regulation for the containment of the spread of covid – 19 in the field of transport and the logistics ” of sector signed the 20 March 2020, referred to in Annex 8, as well as the “Guidelines for informing users and the organizational methods for containing the spread of the covid-19”, referred to in Annex 9.
  2. In relation to the new organizational or functional needs, the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport with own decree may supplement or modify the “Lines guide for the information to users and the mode organization for the containment of the spread of covid- 19” as well as, subject to agreement with the signatories, the “Shared regulatory protocol for the containment of the spread of covid-19 in the transport and logistics sector” of the sector signed on 20 March 2020.

Art. 8

Additional specific provisions for disability

  1. The activities social and social care provided after authorization or in the Convention, including those provided within or by semi-residential centers for people with disabilities, whatever their denomination, to social welfare character, socio-educational, multi-purpose

, socio-occupational, health and socio-health are reactivated according to territorial plans, adopted by the Regions, ensuring through any specific protocols compliance with the provisions for the prevention of contagion and the protection of the health of users and operators.

Art. 9

Execution and monitoring of measurements

  1. The territorially competent prefect, informing the Minister of the Interior in advance, ensures the execution of the measures referred to in this decree, and monitors the implementation of the remaining measures by the competent administrations. The prefect makes use of the police force, with the possible competition of the body National of fighters of the fire and for the health and safety in the workplace, the national labor inspectorate and the police command for the protection of labor, and, where necessary, of the armed forces, having heard the competent territorial commands, notifying the President of the region and of the autonomous province concerned

Art. 10  Final provisions

  1. The provisions of this Decree shall apply from the date of 4 May 2020 to replace those of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers April 10, 2020 and are effective until May 17, 2020, to exception of what foreseen in Article 2, paragraphs 7, 9 and 11 that will apply from 27 April 2020 cumulatively the provisions of the aforementioned decreeof 10 April year 2020.
  1. The more restrictive containment measures adopted by the Regions continue to apply, also in agreement with the Minister of Health, in relation to specific areas of the regional territory .
  1. The provisions of this decree apply to the regions with special statutes and to the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, compatibly with their respective statutes and relative implementation rules.




Annex 1 Retail trade

Hypermarkets Supermarkets Discount grocery

Minimarkets and other non-specialized various food

stores Retail sale of frozen products

Non-specialized retail trade in computers, peripherals, telecommunications equipment, audio and video consumer electronics, household appliances

Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores (ateco codes: 47.2) Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores

Retail IT and telecommunications equipment (ICT) in specialized stores (ateco code: 47.4)

Retail sale of hardware, paints, flat glass and electrical and plumbing and heating supplies Retail sale of sanitary equipment

Retail sale of lighting articles Retail trade  of newspapers, magazines and periodicals Pharmacies

Commerce to the detail in other exercises specialized of medicines not subject to prescription medical retail sale of medical and orthopedic goods in exercises specialized

Trade to the detail of articles of profumeria, produced for toletta and for the personal hygiene Trade to the detail of small domestic animals

Commerce to the detail of material for optics and photography

Retail sale of fuel for domestic use and for heating Retail sale of soaps, detergents, polishing products and similar Retail sale of any type of product made via the internet Retail sale of any type of product made by television

Trade to the detail of any type of product for correspondence, radio, telephone Trade effected by means of vending machines

Trade in paper, cardboard and stationery items. Retail sale of books

Retail sale of clothes for children and babies Retail trade of flowers, plants, seeds and fertilizers

Annex  2 Personal services

Laundry and cleaning of textiles and fur Industrial laundries

Other laundries, dry cleaners

Funeral services and related activities

Annex 3

















































































Annex 4 Sanitation measures

  1. wash your hands often. It is recommended to make hydroalcoholic solutions for hand washing available in all public places, gyms, supermarkets, pharmacies and other meeting places ;
  2. avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections ;
  1. avoid hugs and handshakes;
  1. maintain, in social contacts, an interpersonal distance of at least one meter;
  2. practice hygiene respiratory (sneezing and / or coughing into a handkerchief while avoiding the contact of the hands with secretions respiratory);
  3. avoid the promiscuous use of bottles and glasses, in particular during sports activities


  1. do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;
  1. cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough;
  1. do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your doctor;
  1. clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants ;
  1. is strongly recommended in all the contacts social, use protections of the streets breathing as an additional measure to other personal protective measures sanitation.

Annex 5

Measures for commercial establishments

  1. Maintenance of interpersonal distancing in all activities and their phases .
  1. Guarantee of cleanliness and environmental hygiene at least twice a day and according to opening hours.
  1. Guarantee of adequate natural ventilation and air exchange .
  1. Wide availability and accessibility to hand disinfection systems. In particular, these systems must be available alongside keyboards, touch screens and payment systems .
  1. Use of masks in places or areas closed and still in all the possible phases of work where it is not possible to guarantee the spacing interpersonal.
  1. Use of “disposable” gloves in purchasing activities, particularly for the purchase of food and drinks.
  1. Regulated and staggered access in the following ways:
  1. a) by expanding the time slots;
  1. b) for rooms up to forty square meters, one person can access at a time, in addition to a maximum of two operators;
  1. c) for rooms larger than those referred to in letter b), access is regulated according to the available spaces, differentiating, where possible, the entry and exit routes .
  1. Information to ensure the clearance of customers awaiting entry.

Annex 6

Shared protocol regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid- 19 virus in the workplace between the government and the social partners

April 24, 2020

Today, Friday 24 April 2020, the ” Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace ” was signed, signed on 14 March 2020 at the invitation of the President of the Council of Ministers, of the Minister of the Economy, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Health, who had promoted the meeting between the social partners, in implementation of the measure, contained in Article 1,  first paragraph , number 9), of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 11 March 2020, which – in relation to professional activities and production activities – recommends agreements between employers’ organizations and trade unions.

The Government favors, to the extent of its competence, the full implementation of the Protocol.


The document, taking account of the various measures of the government and, most recently, the Prime Ministerial Decree of April 10 2020 and of what emanated from the Ministry of Health, contains lines guide shared between the Parties to assist enterprises in establishing security protocols anti- contagion, i.e. regulatory protocol for contrasting and limiting the spread of the COVID 19 virus in the workplace.

In fact, the continuation of production activities can only take place in the presence of conditions that ensure adequate levels of protection for working people. Failure to implement the Protocol which does not ensure adequate levels of protection causes the suspension of the activity until the restoration of the safety conditions.

Therefore the Parties agree as of now the possible use of social safety nets, with the consequent reduction or suspension of work, in order to allow companies in all sectors to apply these measures and the consequent safety of the workplace.

Together with the possibility for the company to resort to agile work and social safety nets, extraordinary organizational solutions, the parties intend to favor the contrast and containment of the spread of the virus.

It is a primary objective to combine the continuation of production activities with the guarantee of conditions of health and safety in the workplace and working methods. As part of this objective, the temporary reduction or suspension of activities can also be envisaged.

In this perspective, the urgent measures that the Government intends to adopt, in particular with regard to social safety nets for the whole national territory, may be useful for the rarefied presence in the workplace.

Without the necessity of having to adopt quickly a protocol of regulation for the contrast and the containment of the spread of the virus with procedures and rules of conduct, it should be favored compared quote with the representative trade union present in the places of work, and for the small business territorial representations as envisaged by the interconfederal agreements, so that each measure adopted can be shared and made more effective by the contribution of experience of the working people, in particular of the  RLS and of the RLST, taking into account the specificity of each individual production reality and the territorial situations .


The objective of this shared regulatory protocol is to provide operational  guidelines aimed at increasing, in non-healthcare work environments, the effectiveness of the precautionary containment measures adopted to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.

COVID-19 represents a generic biological risk, for which equal measures must be taken for the whole population. This protocol therefore contains measures that follow the logic of the precaution and follow and implement the prescriptions of the legislator and the indications of the Health Authority .

Without prejudice to all obligations under the provisions issued for the containment of COVID-19 and provided that

The Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020 provides for the observance until 25 March 2020 of restrictive measures in the whole national territory, specific for the containment of COVID – 19 and that for production activities these measures  recommend:

It has implemented the maximum use of part of the business of how to work agile for the activities that can be performed at home or in a mode distance;

holidays and paid leave for employees as well as other instruments provided for in collective bargaining are encouraged ;

the activities of the company departments not indispensable for production are suspended ;

they adopt anti-contagion safety protocols and, where it is not possible to respect the interpersonal distance of one meter as the main containment measure, with the adoption of individual protection tools ;

sanitization operations in the workplace are encouraged, including by using forms of social safety nets for this purpose ;

for production activities only, it is also recommended that movement within the sites is limited as much as possible and access to common areas is limited ;

they favor each other, limited to production activities, between employers’ and trade union organizations;

for all unsuspended activities, maximum use of agile working methods is

requested, which is established

The companies adopt the present Protocol of regulation inside of their places of work, in addition to the provisions of this decree, apply additional precautionary measures listed below – to be integrated with other equivalent or stronger according to the peculiarities of their organization, after consulting the company union representatives – to protect the health of the people present within the company and ensure the health of the work environment .


The company, through the most appropriate and effective ways, informs all employees and anyone who enters in the company about the provisions of the Authority, delivering and / or posting at the entrance and in the most visible places of business premises, special leaflets information

In particular, the information concerns the obligation to stay at home in the presence of fever (over 37.5 °) or other flu symptoms and to call your family doctor and the health authority

o the awareness and acceptance of the fact of not being able to enter or being able to stay in the company and of having to declare it promptly where, even after entry, there are dangerous conditions (symptoms of flu, temperature, origin from areas at risk or contact with positive people to the virus in the 14 days previous, etc.) in which the measures Authority impose a informing the doctor of the family and the Authority health and to remain in their own home

the commitment to comply with all the provisions of the Authority and the employer in making the company (in particular access, maintain a safe distance, observing the rules of hygiene of hands and keeping behavior corrected on hygiene plan)

the commitment to promptly and responsibly inform the employer of the presence of any flu symptoms during the performance of the work, taking care to remain at an adequate distance from the people present

The company provides an information appropriate on the basis of the tasks and the contexts of work, with particular reference to the set of measures which staff must follow in particular on the proper use of PPE to help to prevent any possible form of spreading contagion.


Before entering the workplace, staff may undergo body temperature control 1 . If this temperature is higher than 37.5 °, it will not be allowed


The real-time detection of body temperature constitutes a processing of personal data and, therefore, must take place in accordance with current privacy regulations. To this end, it is suggested to: 1) detect the temperature and not record the purchase data. It is possible to identify the person concerned and record the passing of the threshold of temperature only if it is necessary to document the reasons that have prevented access to company premises; 2) provide information on the processing of personal data. Please note that the information can omit the information of which the interested party is already in possession and can be provided access to workplaces. People in this condition – in accordance with the  instructions given in the footnotes – will be temporarily isolated and equipped  with masks will not have to go to the Pronto Soccorso and / or in the infirmaries  of the seat, but will have to contact the most with your doctor as soon as possible and follow the his indications

The employer informs the staff in advance, and those who intend to enter the company, of the foreclosure of access to those who, in the last 14 days, have had contacts with subjects tested positive for COVID-19 or come from risk areas

according to WHO indications 2

For these cases, reference is made to Law Decree no. 6 of 23/02/2020, art. 1, lett. h) and i)

L ‘entry in the company of workers already positive results from infection COVID 19 must be preceded by a prior communication having to subject the certification medical showing the “occurred negativization” of the tampon in the manner prescribed and issued by the department of prevention territorial jurisdiction.

If, to prevent the activation of epidemic outbreaks, in the areas most affected by the virus, the competent health authority has specific additional measures , also orally. As for the contents of the information, with reference to the purpose of the treatment, the prevention of COVID-19 contagion may be indicated and with reference to the legal basis, the implementation of the anti- contagion safety protocols may be indicated pursuant to art. art. 1, no. 7, lett. d) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020 and with reference to the duration of any data retention , reference can be made to the end of the state of emergency; 3) define the appropriate security and organizational measures to protect data. In particular, from an organizational point of view, it is necessary to identify the subjects in charge of the treatment and provide them with the necessary instructions. To this end, please note that the data can be processed exclusively for the purpose of preventing contagion from COVID-19 and must not be disclosed or communicated to third parties outside the specific regulatory provisions (e.g. in the event of a request from the Health authority for the reconstruction of the supply chain of any “ close contacts of a worker who tested positive for COVID-19);

4) in the event of temporary isolation due to exceeding the temperature threshold, ensure methods that guarantee the confidentiality and dignity of the worker. These guarantees must also be ensured in the event that the worker notifies the personnel department of having had contacts, outside the company context, with subjects who have tested positive for COVID-19 and in the case of removal of the worker who during the work activity develops

fever and symptoms of respiratory infection and its colleagues (see below ).


If you request a declaration certifying the non-origin of the epidemiological risk areas and the absence of contacts, in the last 14 days, with subjects tested positive for COVID-19, please remember to pay attention to the data treatment regulation personal data, since the acquisition of the declaration constitutes data processing. To this end, the indications referred to in the previous note no. 1 and, specifically, it is suggested to collect only the necessary, adequate and relevant data with respect to the prevention of COVID-19 infection. For example, if you request a statement on contacts with people who tested positive for COVID-19, you should refrain from requesting additional information about the person who tested positive. Or, if a declaration is requested on the origin from areas at epidemiological risk, it is necessary to refrain from requesting additional information regarding the specificities of the places.

example, the execution of the buffer for workers, the employer will provide maximum collaboration.


For the access of suppliers external locate procedures of entry, transit and exit, through mode, default routes and timing, in order to reduce the opportunities for contact with the staff in force in the departments / offices involved

If possible, the drivers of the means of transport must remain at the edge of their means: it is not allowed access to the offices for any reason. For the necessary preparation of loading and unloading activities, the transporter must comply with the strict distance of one meter

For suppliers / transporters and / or other external personnel, identify / install dedicated toilets, provide for a ban on the use of employees and guarantee adequate daily cleaning

It should be reduced to as possible, access to visitors; if it were necessary to the entry of outside visitors (cleaning crew, maintenance …), they must abide by the business rules, including those for access to the business premises referred to in paragraph 2

Where there is a transport service organized by the company, the safety of workers along each movement must be guaranteed and respected .

the rules of this Protocol shall extend to companies in agreement that can arrange seats and shipyards permanent and temporary inside of the sites and of the areas production

in the case of workers employees of companies third that operate in the same site production (eg. maintenance personnel, suppliers, cleaners or supervision) which prove the positive COVID-19 buffer, the contractor must immediately inform the client and both are expected to cooperate with the health authority by providing useful information for identifying any close contacts .

The client company is obliged to give the contracting company complete information on the contents of the corporate protocol and must ensure that the workers of the same or of the third-party companies that operate in any capacity within the company perimeter, fully comply with the provisions.


the company ensures the cleaning daily and the sanitation periodical of the local, the environment, workstations and common areas and recreation

in case of presence of a person with COVID-19 inside of the local business, we proceed to the cleaning and sanitization of the above-mentioned second the provisions of the circular n. 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the Ministry of Health and their ventilation

necessary to ensure the cleanliness in the end turns and the sanitation periodical of keyboards, screens touch, mouse with suitable detergents, both in the offices, both in the wards productive

the company, in compliance with the indications of the Ministry of Health according to the methods deemed most appropriate, can organize special / periodic cleaning interventions by using social safety nets (also by way of derogation)

in geographic areas with the greatest endemic or in companies where suspected cases of COVID-19 have been recorded, in addition to normal cleaning activities, it is necessary to provide for an extraordinary sanitization of the rooms, work stations and common areas upon reopening , pursuant to circular 5443 of 22 February 2020 ..


it is mandatory that the people present in the company take all hygienic precautions, especially for the hands

the company offers a suitable means for cleaning hands

frequent hand cleaning with soap and water is recommended

The detergent for the hands of which the above should be accessible to all the workers also thanks to specific points dispenser located in easily identifiable.


the adoption of the hygiene measures and personal protective equipment indicated in this Regulatory Protocol is fundamental and, given the current emergency situation, is clearly linked to availability on the market. For these reasons:

  1. the masks must be used in accordance with the provisions of the indications of the World Health Organization .
  1. given the emergency situation, in the event of supply difficulties and for the sole purpose of avoiding the spread of the virus, masks may be used

whose type corresponds to the indications from the health authority

  1. the preparation by the company of the cleaning liquid according to WHO indications is favored ( https: // )

if the work requires working at an interpersonal distance of less than one meter and other organizational solutions are not possible, the use of masks and other protective devices (gloves, goggles, overalls, headphones, gowns, etc.) that are in compliance with the provisions of the scientific and health authorities .

in the declination of the measures of the Protocol within the workplace on the basis of the complex of the assessed risks and, starting from the mapping of the various activities of the company, suitable PPE will be adopted. It is foreseen, for all workers who share common areas, the use of a surgical mask, as moreover regulated by DL n. 9 (art. 34) in combination with the DL n. 18 (art 16 c. 1)


access to common areas, including company canteens, smoking areas and changing rooms is contingent, with the provision of continuous ventilation of the premises, a reduced parking time within these spaces and with the maintenance of the distance of safety of 1 meter among the people who occupy them .

it is necessary to provide for the organization of the spaces and the sanitation of the changing rooms in order to leave places for the storage of work clothes available to the workers and guarantee them suitable sanitary hygiene conditions . periodic sanitization and daily cleaning must be guaranteed, with special cleaners in the canteen, on the keyboards of the vending machines for drinks and snacks.


With reference to the Prime Ministerial Decree of March 11, 2020, point 7, limited to the period of the emergency due to COVID-19, companies will be able, having as reference the provisions of the CCNL and thus favoring agreements with company union representatives:

have the closing of all the departments different from the production or, however, of those of which operation is possible through the use of smart at work, or in any case at distance

Production levels can be remodeled

ensure a shift schedule for employees dedicated to production with the aim of minimizing contacts and creating autonomous, distinct and recognizable groups

use smart working for all those activities that can be carried out at home or remotely if social safety nets are used, even by way of derogation, always  evaluate the possibility of ensuring that they concern the entire company  structure, if necessary also with appropriate rotations

  1. use as a priority the social safety nets available in compliance with the contractual institutions (par, rol, bank hours) generally aimed at allowing the abstention from work without loss of salary

in case the use of the institutions of which at point c) does not result sufficient, it will use the periods of arrears holidays and not yet fruiti

all national and international business trips / trips are suspended and canceled, even if already agreed or organized

The work to distance continues to be favored even in the phase of progressive  reactivation of the work as a useful and adaptable tool for the prevention, without the  need that the employer provide adequate support conditions to the worker and to its activity (assistance in the use of equipment, modulation of working times and breaks).

Respect for social distancing is necessary, also through a remodeling of the work spaces, compatibly with the nature of the production processes and the company spaces. In the case of workers who do not need special tools and / or work equipment and who can  work alone, they could, for the transitional period, be positioned in spaces obtained for example from unused offices, meeting rooms.

For the environments where they operate most workers at the same time can be found innovative solutions such as, for example, the repositioning of workstations adequately spaced from each other or, similar solutions.

The articulation of the work can be redefined with different times that favor social distancing by reducing the number of people present at the same time in the workplace and preventing gatherings at the entrance and exit with flexibility of schedules.

It is essential to avoid social aggregations also in relation to commuting to reach the workplace and to return home ( commuting ), with particular reference to the use of  public transport. For this reason, forms of transport to the workplace should be promoted with adequate distance between travelers and favoring the use of private vehicles or shuttles.


It favors times of input / output staggered in order to avoid the most possible contacts in public areas (inputs, locker rooms, room canteen)

where it is possible, it is necessary to dedicate a port of entry and a door to exit from these premises and to ensure the presence of detergents marked by special directions


The movements within the site the company should be limited to the minimum necessary and in compliance with the instructions business

They not have permitted the meeting in presence. Where the same were connoted by the character of the necessity and urgency, unable to remote connection, it  must be reduced to a minimum and the necessary participation, however, must be guaranteed the spacing interpersonal and adequate cleaning / ventilation of premises

all internal events and all classroom training activities, even mandatory, even if already organized, are suspended and canceled; it is however possible, if the company organization allows it, to carry out remote training, also for workers in smart work

Failure to complete the updating of professional and / or qualifying  training within the deadlines set for all company roles / functions regarding health and safety in the workplace, due to the emergency in progress and therefore due to force majeure, is not It will make it impossible to continue the course of the specific role / function (for example: the attendant emergency, both fire, both the first aid, can continue to intervene in case of necessity; the dolly can continue to operate as a dolly)


in the event that a person present in the company develops fever and symptoms of respiratory infection such as cough, he must immediately report it to the personnel office, he will have to proceed with his isolation according to the provisions of the health authority and that of the others present by the local, the company immediately proceeds to notify the competent health authorities and the emergency numbers for COVID-19 provided by the Region or by the Ministry of Health

the company collaborates with the Health Authorities for the definition of any “close contacts” of a person present in the company who has been found to be positive with the COVID-19 buffer. This in order to allow the authorities to apply the necessary and appropriate measures to quarantine. During the investigation period , the company may ask for any possible close contacts to leave the plant as a precaution, according to the indications of the Health Authority

At the moment of isolation, the worker must be immediately equipped, if not already, with a surgical mask .


Health surveillance must continue respecting the hygiene measures contained in the indications of the Ministry of Health (so-called decalogue)

in this period, preventive visits, visits on request and visits to return from illness should be preferred

periodic health surveillance must not be interrupted, because it represents a  further general preventive measure: both because it can intercept possible cases and suspect symptoms of infection, and for the information and training that the competent doctor can provide to workers to avoid the spread of the infection

in integrating and proposing all the regulatory measures related to COVID-19 the competent doctor collaborates with the employer and the RLS / RLST.

The competent doctor informs the company of situations of particular fragility  and current or previous employee pathologies and the company provides for their protection in respect of privacy.

The competent doctor will apply the indications of the Health Authorities. The competent doctor, in consideration of his role in risk assessment and health monitoring, may suggest the adoption of any diagnostic means if deemed useful  in order to contain the spread of the virus and the health of workers.

When activities are resumed, the competent doctor should be involved in identifying subjects with particular situations of fragility and for the reintegration into work of subjects with previous COVID infection 19.

It is recommended that health surveillance pay particular attention to fragile subjects also in relation to age

For the progressive reintegration of workers after the COVID19 from infection, the physician in charge, upon presentation of certification on completion of negativity buffer in the manner prescribed and issued by the territorial department of prevention expertise, makes the visit medical prior to the resumption of work, a result of absence for reasons of health for a period exceeding sixty consecutive days in order to verify the fitness for the job. ” (Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments, art.41, c. 2 letter e-ter), also to assess specific risk profiles and in any case regardless of the duration of absence due to illness.


It consists in holding a Committee for the application and the verification of the rules of regulatory protocol with the participation of trade union representatives and the RLS.

Where, for the particular type of enterprise and to the system of relations trade union, does not give rise to the formation of committees company, it will set up a Committee of Territorial composed of the Joint Bodies for health and safety, wherever made, with the involvement of RLST and representatives of the social partners.

They can be made, to level regional or sectoral, at the initiative of the parties signatory to this Protocol, committees for the purposes of the Protocol, with the involvement of the authorities sanitary premises and of other persons institutional involved in initiatives for combating the spread of COVID19.

Attachment 7

Shared regulatory protocol for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 on construction sites

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport shares with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, ANCI, UPI, Anas SpA, RFI, ANCE, Alliance of Cooperatives, Feneal Uil, Filca – CISL and Fillea CGIL the following:


On 14 March 2020 it has been adopted the Protocol of regulation to the contrary , and the containment of the spread of the virus COVID 19 at the workplace (hereinafter Protocol), covering all the areas of production “, on whose content has been integrated on April 24 , 2020, and to which the provisions of this protocol refer in full. Furthermore, the provisions of this protocol represent sector specifications with respect to the general provisions contained in the Protocol of March 14, 2020, as integrated on April 24, 2020. Given the validity of the provisions contained in the aforementioned Protocol envisaged for a general nature for all categories, and in particular for the public works and construction sectors, it was decided to define further measures.

The goal of this protocol is to provide shared regulatory operational guidelines aimed at increase in shipyards the effectiveness of the measures precautionary of containment taken to combat the epidemic of COVID-19. In fact, COVID-19 represents a generic biological risk, for which equal measures must be adopted for the whole population.

This protocol therefore contains measures that follow the logic of the precaution and follow and implement the prescriptions of the legislator and the indications of the Health Authority . These measures will extend to the building site holders and all subcontractors and suppliers present in the same yard

With reference to the Prime Ministerial Decree of March 11, 2020, point  7, limited to the period of the emergency due to COVID-19, employers will be able, having as reference the provisions of the CCNL and thus favoring the agreements with the union representatives:

  • implement the maximum use by companies of agile work methods for the support activities at the construction site that can be carried out from home or remotely;
  • suspend those processes that can be carried out through a reorganization of the phases carried out in subsequent times without compromising the works carried out;
  • ensure a shift plan for employees dedicated to production with the aim of minimizing contacts and creating autonomous, distinct and recognizable groups;
  • use as a priority the social safety nets available in compliance with the contractual institutions generally aimed at allowing abstention from work without loss of salary;
  • accrued holidays and paid leave for employees are incentivized as well as other tools provided for by current legislation and collective bargaining for site support activities ;
  • all national and international business trips / trips are suspended and canceled, even if already agreed or organized
  • movement within and outside the construction site is limited as much as possible, allowing access to the common areas also through the reorganization of the works and times of the construction site;

The work to distance continues to be favored even in the phase of progressive  reactivation of the work as a useful and adaptable tool for the prevention, without the  need that the employer provide adequate support conditions to the worker and to its activity (assistance in the use of equipment, modulation of working times and breaks).

Respect for social distancing is necessary, also through a remodeling of the work spaces , compatibly with the nature of the production processes and with the size of the construction site. In the case of workers who do not require the special tools and / or equipment to work and who can work alone, the same may, for the transitional period, be placed in spaces made. For the environments where they operate more workers at the same time will be taken of anti-infection security protocols and, where not possible in relation to the work to be carried comply with the interpersonal distance of one meter as the main containment measure, personal protective tools are adopted. The safety coordinator in the execution of the works, where appointed pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81, integrates the safety and coordination plan and the related cost estimate. Clients, through the coordinators for the security, ensure that the sites have adopted the measures of security anti-infection;

The articulation of the work can be redefined with different times that favor social distancing by reducing the number of people present at the same time in the workplace and preventing gatherings at the entrance and exit with flexibility of schedules.

It is essential to avoid social aggregations also in relation to commuting to reach the workplace and to return home ( commuting ), with particular reference to the use of  public transport. For this reason, forms of transport to the workplace should be promoted with adequate distance between travelers and favoring the use of private vehicles or shuttles.

In addition to the provisions of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020, employers adopt this regulatory protocol within the construction site, applying, to protect the health of the people present on the construction site and guarantee the health of the environment. of work, the additional precautionary measures listed below – to be integrated with other equivalent or more incisive ones according to the type, location and characteristics of the construction site, after consultation of the coordinator for the execution of the works where appointed, of the trade union representatives / trade union organizations of the category and of the territorially competent RLST.


The employer, also with the help Ente Bilateral Unified construction training / safety,  then through the mode most appropriate and effective, informed all the workers and anyone entering the site about the provisions of the Authority, delivering and / or posting at the entrance of the construction site and in the most frequented places, special visible signs indicating the correct methods of conduct.

In particular, the information concerns the following obligations:

  • the staff, before entering the construction site, must undergo a body temperature check. If this temperature is higher than 37.5 °, access to the construction site will not be allowed. People in this condition – incompliance  with  the indications  given  in  the note – they will be temporarily isolated and equipped with masks, they must not go to the emergency room and / or the infirmaries of the office, but they must contact their doctor as soon as possible and follow his instructions or, in any case, the health authority;
  • awareness and acceptance of the fact of not being able to input or to be able to remain in the pipeline and having to declare promptly where, even after the entrance, there are the conditions of danger (symptoms of influenza, temperature, coming from areas at risk

The real-time detection of body temperature constitutes a processing of personal data and, therefore, must take place in accordance with current privacy regulations. To this end, it is suggested to: 1) detect the temperature and not record the purchase data. It is possible to identify the interested party and record the exceeding of the temperature threshold only if it is necessary to document the reasons that prevented access to the company premises; 2) provide information on the processing of personal data. We remind you that the information can omit the information of which the interested party is already in possession and can also be provided orally. As for the contents of the information, with reference to the purpose of the treatment, the prevention of contagion from COYID-19 may be indicated and with reference to the legal basis, the implementation of the anti-contagion security protocols may be indicated pursuant to art. art. 1, no. 7, lett. d) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020 and with reference to the duration of any data retention, reference can be made to the end of the state of emergency; 3) define the appropriate security and organizational measures to protect data. In particular, from an organizational point of view, it is necessary to identify the subjects in charge of the treatment and provide them with the necessary instructions. To this end, please note that the data can be processed exclusively for the purpose of preventing contagion from COVID-19 and must not be disclosed or communicated to third parties outside the specific regulatory provisions (e.g. in the event of a request from the Health authority for the reconstruction of the supply chain of any “close contacts of a worker who tested positive for COVID-19); 4) in the event of temporary isolation due to exceeding the temperature threshold, ensure methods that guarantee the confidentiality and dignity of the worker. These guarantees must also be ensured in the event that the worker notifies the personnel department of having had contacts outside the company context with positive results for COVID-19 and in the case of removal of the worker who during his working activity develop fever and symptoms of respiratory infection and your colleagues.

contact with people positive to the virus in the previous 14 days, etc) in which the Authority’s provisions require the family doctor and the Health Authority to be informed and to remain at home;

  • the commitment to respect all the provisions of the Authorities and of the employer in gaining access to the construction site (in particular: maintaining the safety distance,using the personal protection tools made available during works that do not allow to respect the distance interpersonal one meter and to behave correctly in  terms  of  hygiene);
  • commitment to inform promptly and responsibly the employer of labor in the presence of any flu symptoms during the performance of work performance, making sureto remain at a suitable distance from the people present;
  • the obligation of the employer to inform the staff, and those who intend to make entry into the yard, the foreclosure of access to those who, in the last 14 days has had contacts with persons tested positive for COVID-19 or come from areas at risk according to WHO indications;
  • For these cases, reference is made to Law Decree no. 6 of 23/02/2020, art. 1, lett. h) andi)
  • For the access of external suppliers, entry, transit and exit procedures must be identified, using predefined methods, routes and times , in order to reduce the opportunities for contact with the personnel present on the site, with integration in the appendix in the Safety Plan and coordination;
  • If possible, the drivers of the means of transport must remain at the edge of their means: it is not allowed access to the premises closed joint of the site for any reason. For the necessary preparation of loading and unloading activities, the transporter must comply with the strict minimum distance of one meter;
  • For suppliers / transporters and / or other external personnel, identify / install dedicated toilets, provide for a ban on the use of employees and guarantee adequate daily cleaning


  • Where there is a transport service organized by the employer to reach the construction site, the safety of the workers along each movement must be guaranteed and respected, if necessary by resorting to a greater number of vehicles and / or by entering and leavingthe construction site. with flexible and staggered timetables or by recognizing temporary increases in specific allowances, as per collective bargaining, for the use of own means.  In any case, the door and window handles, steering wheel, gearbox, etc. must be cleaned with specific detergents. maintaining correct ventilation inside the vehicle.

The employer of labor ensures the cleaning daily and the sanitation periodic the changing rooms and common areas by limiting simultaneous access to such places; for the purposes of sanitization and sanitation, also the means of work with the relative driving or pilot cabins must be included. The same applies to service cars and rental cars and to work vehicles such as cranes and vehicles operating on site;

The employer verifies the correct cleaning of the individual work tools preventing their promiscuous use, also supplying specific detergent and making  it available on site both before and during and at the end of the work;

The employer of labor must verify the successful sanitization of all the housings and to all premises, including those outside of the yard but used for this purpose, as well as the means of work after each use, which are present in the shipyard  and in external structures private always used for the purposes of the  construction site;

in the case of a person with COVID-19 inside the construction site, the premises, housings and vehicles are cleaned and sanitized according to the provisions of circular no. 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the Ministry of Health and, where necessary, for their ventilation

The frequency of sanitizing will be established by the employer in relation to the characteristics and the use of premises and means of transport, after consultation of the company’s occupational physician and the Head of prevention and protection, workers’ Safety Representatives (RLS or RSLT territorially competent);

In companies that carry out cleaning and sanitizing operations, specific intervention protocols must be defined in common agreement with the workers’ safety representatives (RLS or RSLT territorially competent);

The operators who carry out the cleaning and sanitizing works must without fail be equipped with all clothing and personal protective equipment;

Sanitization actions must include activities performed using products having the characteristics indicated in circular no. 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the Ministry of Health;

  • it is mandatory that people in the company take all hygiene precautions, in particular to ensure the frequent and thorough washing of the hands, even during the execution of the work;
  • the employer, for this purpose, provides suitable hand cleaning means ;
  • the adoption of the hygiene measures and personal protection devices indicated in this Regulatory Protocol is of fundamental importance but, given the actual emergency situation, it is clearly linked to the availability of the aforementioned devices on the


  • the masks must be used in accordance with the provisions of the indications of the World Health Organization ;
  • given the situation of emergency, in case of difficulties of supply and the sole purposeof avoiding the spread of the virus, may be used templates whose type corresponds to the specifications by the health authorities and the coordinator for the execution of the work  if appointed to pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81;
  • the preparation by the company of the cleaning liquid according to the WHO indications (ht tps: // to Local Production.pdf) is favored ;
  • if the work to be carried out on site requires working at an interpersonal distance of less than one meter and other organizational solutions are not possible, the use of masks and other protective devices (gloves, goggles, overalls, headphones, etc.) is however necessary. .) comply with the provisions of the scientific and health authorities; in such cases, in the absence of suitable PPE, the work must be suspended with the appeal, if necessary, to the Ordinary Redundancy Fund (CIGO) pursuant to Law Decree n. 18 of 17 March 2020, for the time strictly necessary to find suitable PPE;
  • the coordinator for the execution of the works where appointed pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81 provides in this respect to integrate the security plan and coordination and the relative estimation of the costs with all the devices deemed necessary; the coordinator for the safety in the design stage, with the involvement of the RLS or, if not present, the RLST, adapting the design of the shipyard to the measures contained in this protocol, ensuring its practical implementation;
  • the employer of work orders to renew to all the workers the garments from work by providing the distribution to all workers engaged in the machining of all the individual protection devices even with suits uses and throws;
  • the employer of work it ensures that in each yard of large size for the number of occupied (greater than 250 units) is active the health post and, where required, the appropriate medical service and special emergency intervention; for all the other sites, these activities are carried out by employees first aid, already appointed, after adequate training and supply of the necessary equipment with reference to the measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus;
  • The access to the common areas, including canteens and changing rooms is to quota, with the provision of a ventilation continues the premises, of a time reduced to stop inside of these spaces and with the maintenance of the distance of security of 1 metro among the people who occupy them ; in the case of activities that do not provide mandatory the use of the dressing, it is preferable not to use the same at the end to avoid the contact between the workers; in the case in which it is mandatory to use, the coordinator for the execution of the works, if appointed pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81, in this regard, provides for the integration of the safety and coordination plan also through ashift of the workers compatibly with the work scheduled on the construction site;
  • the employer of labor provides the sanitizing least daily and the organization of the spaces for the cafeteria and changing rooms to let workers in the availability of places for storage of work clothing and ensure their hygienic conditions health.
  • Periodic sanitization and daily cleaning with special detergents must also be guaranteed on the keyboards of the beverage dispensers ;

With reference to the Prime Ministerial Decree of March 11, 2020, point 7, limited to the period of the emergency due to COVID-19, the companies will be able, having as reference the provisions of the CCNL and thus favoring the agreements with the trade union representatives, the reorganization of the shipyard and the schedule of processing even through the shifts of workers with the objective of decreasing the contacts, to create groups autonomous, distinct and recognizable and allow a different articulation of the yard times and as regards the opening, at the stop and at the exit.

  • In cases in which a person present in site developments fever with temperature higher than the 37.5 ° and respiratory infection symptoms such as coughing, must immediately declare to the employer or to the site manager who will have to proceed to its isolation on the basis provisions to the authority health and the coordinator for the execution of works where appointed to the senses of the legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81 and immediately proceed to notify the competent health authorities and the emergency numbers for COVID-19 provided by the Region or by the Ministry of Health;

The employer collaborates with the Health Authorities to identify any “close contacts” of a person present on the site who has been found to be positive with the pad COVID-

  1. This is to allow authorities to apply the necessary and appropriate quarantine measures. During the investigation period, the employer may ask any possible close contacts to leave the site as a precaution according to the indications of the Health Authority
  • Health surveillance must continue respecting the hygiene measures contained in the indications of the Ministry of Health (so-called decalogue):
  • during this period, preventive visits, visits on request and visits to return from illness should be preferred ;
  • periodic health surveillance must not be interrupted, because it represents a further general preventive measure: both because it can intercept possible suspected cases and symptoms of infection, and for the information and training that the competent doctor can provide to workers to avoid the spread of the infection;
  • in integrating and proposing all the regulatory measures related to COVID-19, the competent doctor collaborates with the employer and the RLS / RLST as well as with the site manager and the coordinator for the execution of the works where appointed pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81;
  • The physician responsible reports to the employer of labor situations of particular frailty and current or previous illnesses of employees and the employer shall ensure their protectionin  privacy,  the  competent  doctor  will  apply  the  signs  of  Authority Health;
  • A Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the regulatory protocol is set up on site with the participation of the company union representatives and theRLS.
  • Where, for the particular type of construction and to the system of relations trade union, does not give rise to the establishment of committees for each work site, will set up a Territorial Committee composed of the Joint Bodies for health and safety, wherevermade,  with  the  involvement  of  the  RLST  and  representatives  of  the  social   partners.
  • They can be made, to level regional or sectoral, at the initiative of the parties signatory to this Protocol, committees for the purposes of the Protocol, with the involvement of the local health authorities and other institutions involved in efforts to combat the spread of COVID19 .

It should be noted, however, that the inspection functions of the INAIL and the Single Agency for Labor Inspections, “National Labor Inspectorate” remain unaffected, and that, in exceptional cases, the intervention of Local Police officers may be required .


The hypotheses that follow, represent a typing covenantal, in relation to the activities of the construction site, the layout, the character General, contained in Article 91 of the decree law 17 March 2020

  1. 18, a content of which the compliance of the measures of containment adopted to counteract the epidemic of COVID-19 is always evaluated for the purposes of exclusion, pursuant to and for the effects of articles 1218 and 1223 cc, the responsibility of the debtor, even in relation to the application of any forfeiture or penalties related to delayed or omitted obligations.

1)        the processing to be performed in the construction site requires to work at distance interpersonal less than one meter, are not possible other organizational solutions and are not available in sufficient numbers, masks and other personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, overalls, headphones, etc ..) compliant with the provisions of the scientific and health authorities (the order of the individual protection material and its failure to deliver within the deadline have been documented): consequent suspension of processing;

2)        access to common spaces, for example canteens, cannot be contingent, with the provision of continuous ventilation of the premises, a reduced parking time within these spaces and with the maintenance of the safety distance of 1 meter among the people who occupy them; it is not possible to ensure the canteen service  in another way to the absence, in the shipyard adjacencies, of commercial exercises, in which consuming the meal, it is not possible to resort to a meal hot also to lot, from being consumed while maintaining the specific distances: resulting suspension of the workings;

3)        case of a worker who finds himself affected by COVID-19; the need to quarantine all workers who have come into contact with the infected colleague; it is not possible to reorganize the construction site and the work schedule: consequent suspension of the work;

4)        where there is the overnight stay of the workers and the dormitory does not have the minimum safety features required and / or other organizational solutions are not possible, due to the lack of available accommodation facilities: consequent suspension of work.

5)        unavailability of supply of materials, vehicles, equipment and workers functional to the specific activities of the construction site: consequent suspension of work

The occurrence of the aforementioned hypotheses must be certified by the safety coordinator in the execution of the works that drafted the integration of the safety and coordination plan.

NB it should be noted that the typing of the hypotheses must be understood as merely illustrative and not exhaustive.

These guidelines are automatically integrated or modified in the field of health protection on the basis of the indications or determinations taken by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization in relation to the methods of contagion of COVID-19.

Rome, April 24, 2020.

Annex 8

Shared regulatory protocol for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 in the transport and logistics sector

The Minister of Infrastructures and of Transport agrees with the associations employers Confindustria, Confetra, Confcoooperative, Conftrasporto, Confartigianato, Assoporti, Assaeroporti, CNA-Fita, AICAI, ANITA, AASTRA, ANAV, AGENS, Confitarma, Assarmatori, Legacoop Production Services and the unions Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and UilTrasporti the following:


On 14 March 2020 it has been adopted the Protocol of regulation to the contrary , and the containment of the spread of the virus COVID 19 at the workplace (hereinafter Protocol) relating to all sectors of production.

Given the validity of the provisions contained in the aforementioned Protocol envisaged for a general nature for all categories, and in particular for the transport and logistics sectors, it was deemed necessary to define further measures.

The attached document provides requirements for each specific sector in the transport sector, including the supply chain functional to the service and related ancillary and support activities. Without prejudice to the measures for the various modes of transport, attention is drawn to the following common requirements :

  • provide for the obligation on the part of those responsible for information regarding the correct use and management of personal protective equipment, where provided (masks, gloves, overalls, etc.);
  • The sanitization and sanitation of the premises, of the means of transport and of the means of work must be appropriate and frequent (therefore it must concern all the parts frequented by travelers and / or workers and carried out in the manner defined by the specific circular letters of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health).
  • Where possible, install hydroalcoholic dispensers for passenger use .
  • As far as passenger transport is concerned, where possible it is necessary to allow the sale of tickets in order to observe the distance of at least one meter between passengers. Where this is not possible, passengers must have appropriate protections (masks and gloves).
  • In workplaces where it is not possible to keep the distance between workers foreseen by the provisions of the Protocol, personal protective equipment must be used. In the alternative , position separators must be used . The places strategic for the functionality of the system (operational salt, ACC, control rooms etc.) should preferably be equippedwith temperature detectors through devices automated.
  • For all mobile workers as well as for those who have dealings with the public and for which the distance of 1 meter by the user are not possible, it should be provided the useof special devices to protect individual provided by the Protocol. Likewise for the staff

traveling ( to title of example, drivers, pilots , etc ..) for the such as the distance of 1 m from the colleague is not possible.

  • As regards the travel ban (referred to in point 8 of the Protocol), an exception must be made for activities that necessarily require this method.
  • All training courses are suspended if they cannot be performed remotely.
  • Preparation of the necessary communications on board the vehicles also by affixing signs indicating the correct methods of user behavior with the prescription that failure to comply may contemplate the interruption of the service.
  • In the case of activities that do not necessarily require the use of changing rooms, it is preferable not to use them in order to avoid contact between workers, if use is mandatory, they will be identified by the Committee for the application of the Protocol the organizational methods to ensure compliance with health measures to avoid the danger of contagion.



  • Employees who need to come into closer contact, including physical contact with the passenger, in cases where it is impossible to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one meter, must wear masks, disposable gloves and, on the indication of the Competent Doctor, additional protective devices as protective glasses, sharing these measures with the Committee for the application of the Protocol referred to in the introduction .
  • For the drivers of the trucks for the cargo plane apply the same rules of the drivers of the transport goods.


  • If possible, the drivers of the means of transport must remain on board their own vehicles if without gloves and masks. In any case, the vehicle can access the place of loading / unloading even if the driver does not have PPE, as long as he does not get out of the vehicle or maintain a distance of one meter from the other operators. At the loading / unloading places, it must be ensured that the necessary preparatory and conclusive operations for loading / unloading the goods and taking / delivering the documents take place in ways that do not provide for direct contacts between operators and drivers or in compliance with the strict distance of a meter. Access to the offices is not allowed by the different companies own for any reason, except the use of the toilets dedicated and whose managers of places of loading / unloading of goods must ensure the presence and aproper daily cleaning and the presence of suitable hand wash sanitizing gel .
  • The delivery of parcels, documents , and other types of goods expressed may be, prior notice information to be made customers, also via the web, without contact with the recipients. In the case of deliveries to domicile, also made by Riders, the goods can be delivered without contact with the other party and without the signature of delivery. Ifthis is not possible, the use of masks and gloves will be necessary .
  • If it is necessary to work at lower interpersonal distance of one meter and are not possible other solutions organizational – in analogy to what foreseen for the environments closed -, where the aforementioned circumstances will occur in the course of activities work that will take place in environments outdoors, you still need the use of masks.
  • Ensure, wherever possible and compatible with the organization business, a plan of shifts of employees dedicated to the preparation and the receipt of the shipment , and the loading / unloading of goods, and in order to help minimize the contacts and create autonomous groups , distinct and recognizable by identifying priorities in the processing of goods.


In adhesion to what foreseen in the Notice common initialed by Associations Asstra, Anav and Agens with the OOSSLLL the 13 March 2020 for the sector considered to find application the following specific measures:

  • The company proceeds with the sanitization, sanitization and disinfection of trains and public transport, carrying out sanitation and disinfection at least once a day and sanitization in relation to specific company situations .
  • Possible measures must be taken to separate the driving seat with distances of at least one meter from the passengers; allow for the ascent and the descent of the passengers from the port center and from the rear port using suitable waiting times in order to avoid contact between the drops and who salt.
  • Suspension, subject to authorization by the competent territorial mobility agency andthe owners, of the sale and control of travel tickets on board.
  • Suspend the on-board ticketing activity by the drivers.


  • Information to customers through corporate communication channels (call center, web site, app) is in about the measures of prevention adopted in accordance to what disposed by the health authorities both for the information relating to active distances in order to avoid ‘ access of people to the information offices / ticket offices of the stations.
  • In the Great Hub where insist gate of access to the area of operating rail (Milan C.le, Firenze SMN, Roma Termini) and in any case at all stations consistent with their organizational capacity and traffic flows handled:

o availability of personal protective equipment for staff (masks, disposable gloves, hand-washing sanitizing gel);

or prohibition of any close contact with customers except those necessary because of circumstances emergency and still with the required precautions to where the current regulations government;

o continuation of security monitoring activities at stations and passenger flows, in compliance with the safety distance prescribed by current provisions.

or the maximum number of passengers allowed in restricted common waiting areas and in any case in respect of the provisions of distancing between the people of at least a meter.

Provide for the areas to hold joint without the possibility of ventilation natural, additional measures to avoid the danger of contagion;

o availability in the common waiting rooms and on board the train of hand-washing sanitizing gel, also possibly prepared according to the provisions of the WHO.  Until April 3, the passenger reception service on board the train is suspended.

  • In the case of passengers who to board the train exhibit symptoms attributed the affection from Covid-19, the Railway Police and health authorities must be informed promptly: the outcome of the assessment on the health of the passenger, the decision is up to these about the opportunity to stop the train to proceed with an intervention.
  • Passengers who experience symptoms of Covid-19 disease (cough, rhinitis, fever, conjunctivitis) on board the train are required to wear a protective mask and sit isolated from the other passengers, who are relocated to another suitably evacuated carriage and must therefore be equipped suitable spaces for the isolation of passengers or the staff of the board.
  • The railway company will then proceed with the specific sanitization of the train affected by the emergency before returning it to operational availability .


  • Avoid as far as possible the contacts between ground crew and shipboard personnel and in any case keep the interpersonal distance of at least one meter. If this is not possible, the staff must present themselves with gloves and mask and any other additional safetydevice deemed necessary.
  • In order to ensure the correct and constant hygiene and cleanliness of the hands, the companies supply their staff both on board and at the company units (offices, ticket offices and warehouses) specific disinfectant dispensers with relative refills.
  • They strengthened the services of cleaning, if necessary also by the use of machinery specific to allow for achieving the disinfection of the premises of the edge and the other sites in business, such as offices, ticket offices and warehouses.
  • The activity of disinfection is performed in a way appropriate and frequently both at the edge (with modalities and frequency dependent on the local type) and at the other company sites carried out by personnel in such purpose it intended. In particular, at the edge of the ships the disinfection will take place during the stay in port, even when there are always commercial operations that they will not interfere with these operations. In passenger units and public premises this will specifically concern surfaces frequently touched such as buttons, handles, or tables and may be carried out with water and detergent followed by the application of commonly used disinfectants , such as ethyl alcohol or sodium hypochlorite properly dosed. For cargo ships used on routes in which navigation takes place for several consecutive days , this procedure will be applied in the manner and frequency necessary by suitably trained on-board personnel and in consideration of the different types of ships, the different compositions of the crews and specificity of traffic. The normal sanitation of equipment and work equipment must take place, with methods appropriate to the type of equipment , at each change of operator

and by the same with the use of products made available by the company observing the necessary provisions (ventilation, etc.)

  • Companies will provide indications and appropriate information to their staff:
  • to avoid close contacts with customers with the exception of those indispensable due to emergency circumstances and in any case with the foreseen precautions set out in the current government provisions;
  • to maintain the distance of at least one meter between passengers;
  • for maritime LPT with instructions on the measures to be taken to ensure an adequate distance between people during navigation and during embarkation and disembarkation operations;
  • to immediately inform the Health and Maritime Authorities if there are passengers on board with symptoms attributable to the affection from Covid-19;
  • to request the passenger on board who presents symptoms attributable to the Covid-19 affection to wear a protective mask and sit isolated from the other passengers;
  • to proceed, following the disembarkation of any passenger presumably positive to the affection from Covid-19, to the specific sanitization of the unit affected by the emergency before returning it to operational availability .
  • To what can be organized systems of reception of road, the user external and passengers that avoid congestion and crowds of people. As far as practicable will be favored the use of systems computerized for the exchange of documents with the motor transport and the users in general.
  • the companies will encourage as far as possible the document exchange between the ship and the terminal in ways that reduce the contact between sea and land personnel, favoring as far as possible the exchange of documentation with IT systems .
  • considering the emergency situation, limited to the national ports, with reference to professional figures such as the employees of the port operators, the maritime agents, the port chemists, the fire guards, the moorers, the pilots, the personnel assigned to the withdrawal of the solid and liquid waste, registration and delivery of PASS for access on board the ship for security purposes are suspended .
  • In cases in which in a terminal to operate, in addition to the company, also other companies subcontracted the management of processes should be taken from the terminal operator.
  • Solve with possible interpretation or integration of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020 that in the state areas of expertise dell’ADSP and / or freight the points ofrest are considered the same way as the rest areas and / or canteens. Pending clarification by the Presidency, chemical health services must be provided .

Non-scheduled transport services

  • As regards non-scheduled transport services, it is advisable to prevent the passenger from occupying the available seat next to the driver.

In order to respect the safety distances, no more than two passengers may be carried on the rear seats, as far apart as possible.

The driver must wear protective equipment.

These provisions, as applicable, should also be extended to boats carrying out non-scheduled transport services.

These guidelines are automatically integrated or modified in the field of health protection based on the indications or determinations taken by the Ministry of Health and by the World Health Organization (WHO) in relation to the methods of contagion of COVID-19

Annex 9

Guidelines for information to users and organizational methods for containing the spread of covid-19 in public transport

On 14 March 2020 has been adopted the Protocol of regulation to the contrary , and the containment of the spread of the virus COVID 19 at the workplace (hereinafter Protocol) relating to all productive sectors and subsequently on March 20, 2020 Protocol shared regulatory for the containment of the spread of Covid 19 in environments of in the field  of transport and the logistics. The present lines guide establish the mode of information to users as well as the organizational measures to be implemented in the stations, in airports and ports, in order to allow the passage to the next phase of the containment of contagion, which provides for the staggered reopening of activity industrial, commercial and the free circulation of goods and of people. He pressed that the protection of passengers that will benefit not it independent from the adoption of other general measures, defined as “measures of system.”

The main desirable measures are listed below:

“System” measures

The articulation of differentiated working hours with large windows at the beginning and end of working activity is important to modulate the mobility of workers and consequently prevent the risks of aggregation related to the mobility of citizens. Also the differentiation and extension of the opening hours of offices, shops, public services and schools of all levels are also a useful possible preventive approach, while encouraging alternative forms of sustainable mobility . This approach is the basis of the present lines guide. These measures must be modulated in relation to the needs of the territory and the reference catchment area.

The individual responsibility of all users of public transport remains an essential point for ensuring the spacing social measures of hygiene, and avoid behaviors that may increase the risk of contagion. A clear and simple communication in any context (railway stations, subways, airports, bus stations, means of transport, etc.), through mobile information

panels, is an essential point for communicating the necessary behavioral rules in the use

of means of transport .

General measures

Please also note compliance with the provisions listed below, valid for all modes of transport:

The sanitation and sanitation of premises, the means of transport and the means of work must cover all the parties frequented by travelers and / or workers and carried out with the procedures laid down by the specific circular of the Ministry of Health and the Institute Superior of Health ;

In stations, airports, ports and long-distance means of transport it is necessary to install dispensers containing disinfectant solutions for passengers.

It is necessary to encourage the sale of tickets with telematic systems. Otherwise, the sale of tickets must be carried out in order to observe the  interpersonal distance of at least one meter between the passengers. In cases where it is not possible to respect the aforementioned distance, passengers must necessarily provide themselves with specific individual protections (e.g. masks).

In the stations or in the places where the tickets are sold, it is advisable to install points of sale, also through distributors of security devices .

Forecast of measures for the management of passengers and of operators in the case in which it is ascertained a body temperature higher than 37.5 ° C.

Adoption of information and dissemination systems, in the places of transit of users, relating to the correct use of personal protective equipment, as well as on the behaviors that the same user is obliged to maintain inside stations, airports, ports, and of the places of waiting, in the phase of ascent and descent by means of transport and during the same transport.

Adoption of management measures, where necessary, to limit access to stations, airports, and ports in order to avoid crowding and any possible contact, ensuring compliance with the minimum interpersonal distance of one meter.

Adoption of measures organizational , with predisposition of specific plans operating, aimed at limiting in phase of climb and of descent by means of transport, in the displacements within the stations, the airports and the ports, in areas intended to stop the passengers and while waiting for the means of transport, every possible opportunity for contact, ensuring compliance with the minimum interpersonal distance of one meter.

Recommendations for all users of public transport services

Do not use public transport if you have symptoms of acute respiratory infections (fever, cough, cold)

Where possible, purchase tickets electronically, online or through the app

Follow the signs and the paths indicated inside of the stations or the stops always maintaining a distance of at least one meter from other people

Use the access doors to the vehicles indicated for the ascent and descent, always respecting the interpersonal safety distance of one meter

Sit only in permitted places while keeping your distance from other occupants Avoid approaching or asking the driver for information

During the trip, frequently sanitize your hands and avoid touching your face

Wear necessarily a mask, also of cloth, for the protection of the nose and the mouth



For the air transport sector, specific containment measures must be observed for  passengers regarding both the correct use of terminals and aircraft. Therefore, compliance with the following measures is required, respectively, of the operators, airport operators, carriers and passengers:

  • management of access to the terminals, providing, where possible, a clear separation of the entry and exit doors, so as to avoid the encounter of user flows ;
  • organizational and managerial interventions and access quota in order to favor the distribution of the public in all the common areas of the airport in order to avoid crowding in the areas in front of the security checks ;
  • provision of one-way routes within the airport and in the routes up to the gates, in order to keep the flows of users entering and leaving separate;
  • obligation of interpersonal distancing of an onboard aircraft meter, within the terminal and of all the other facility airport (eg. Buses to transport passengers). With particular reference to the managers and carriers in the areas reserved for them, the latter predispose specific plans to ensure the maximum spacing of persons within the interior spaces and the infrastructure available. In particular, in the areas subject to formation of queues will be implemented appropriate signs on the ground, billboards and signs invite passengers to maintain the spacing physical;
  • passengers on the aircraft must necessarily wear a mask;
  • activities of sanitation and disinfection of the terminal and aircraft, even more times the day according to the traffic of the airport and on the aircraft, with specific attention to all the surfaces that can be touched by passengers in normal circumstances. Allthe boarding gate should be provided with the dispensing of gel sanitizer. The installation of climate control are managed with procedures and techniques aimed at the prevention of bacterial and viral contamination;
  • introduction of thermal scanners for passengers arriving and departing, according to procedures to be determined by mutual agreement between operators and carriers in large airport hubs. In principle, however, temperature checks may be expected at the boarding terminal, for departures, and when boarding the plane for arrivals at all airports.


With reference to the maritime transport sector, specific provisions must be dictated regarding the prevention of contacts between passengers and on-board personnel, the maintenance of adequate social separation and the sanitization of the ship’s environments which, moreover, are already substantially provided for in the shared protocol of 20 March 2020. In particular, the adoption of the following measures is requested:

  • avoid, for as possible, the contacts between staff of earth and staff of the edge and, however, maintain the interpersonal distance of at least one meter.
  • Passengers must necessarily wear a mask, also made of fabric, to protect the nose and mouth
  • Strengthening of cleaning services, where necessary also through the use of specific machinery which allow disinfection of on-board premises and other company sites, such as offices, ticket offices and warehouses;
  • the disinfection activity is performed in an appropriate manner and frequently both on board (with modalities and frequency dependent on the local type) and at the other company sites to work of personnel to such purpose intended. In particular, at the edge of the ships the disinfection will take place during the stopover in the port, taking care that the operations of disinfection does not interfere or overlap with the business unit’s activities. In public places, this will specifically concern frequently touched surfaces such as buttons, handles, or tables and can be carried out withwater and detergent followed by the application of commonly used disinfectants, such as ethyl alcohol or sodium hypochlorite, suitably dosed. The normal hygiene activities of the equipment and work equipment must take place, with methods appropriate to the type of the same, at each change of operator and by the same with the use of products made available by the company observing the necessary provisions planned (ventilation, etc.);
  • companies provide indications and appropriate information through their staff or via displays:
  • to avoid close contact between staff and customers except for those indispensable due to emergency circumstances and in any case with the foreseen precautions of individual devices ;
  • to maintain the distance of at least one meter between passengers;
  • for maritime LPT with instructions on the measures to be taken to ensure an adequate distance between people during navigation and during embarkation and disembarkation operations, providing for specific dedicated routes ;
  • for maritime LPT, the use of individual safety devices as required for local public land transport is also required .


For the sector considered, the following specific measures apply:

  • the company proceeds sanitation, sanitation and disinfection of the trains and the transportation and public infrastructure with full respect of the health requirements concerning not only regional ordinances and the Protocol signed by trade associations, trade unions and MIT on 20 March 2020, carrying out sanitation and disinfection at least once a day and sanitization in relation to specific company situations as required by the same shared protocol ;
  • Passengers must necessarily wear a mask, also made of cloth, to protect the nose and mouth;
  • provide that the passengers get on and off the vehicle according to separate flows :

–          in buses and trams provide for the ascent from one door and the descent from the other door;

–          use suitable waiting times in order to avoid contact between those who go down and those who go up, also possibly with a differentiated opening of the doors;

  • on buses and trams, guarantee a maximum number of passengers, in order to allow observance of the distance of one meter between them, marking the seats that cannot be occupied with markers. For the management of the crowding of the vehicle, the company can dictate organizational provisions to the driver also aimed at notmaking some stops;
  • in metro stations :

–          provide for different entry and exit flows, guaranteeing passengers adequate information for the identification of the quays and exits and the correct  distancing on the quays and escalators even before passing the gates;

–          prepare suitable systems to signal the achievement of the established saturation levels;

–          provide for the use of video surveillance systems and / or intelligent cameras to monitor the flows and avoid gatherings, possibly with the possibility of diffusion of messages sound / voice / written;

  • application of markers on seats that cannot be used on board surface vehicles and metro trains;
  • tosuspend the sale and control of travel tickets on board , subject to authorization by the competent territorial mobility agency and by the owners ;
  • suspend the on-board ticketing activity by the drivers;
  • install equipment, where possible, for the self-service purchase of tickets, which must be sanitized several times a day, marking the safety distances with specific stickers


  • increase in the frequency of the vehicles in the hours considered to have a high flow of passengers.


For the sector considered, the following specific measures apply:

  • information to customers through the corporate communication channels (call center, website, app) regarding :

–          prevention measures adopted in compliance with the provisions of the Health Authorities ;

–          news about the active railway routes, in order to avoid user access to the information offices / ticket offices of the stations;

  • incentives for ticket purchases on line.

In large stations:

  • manage access to railway stations providing, where possible, a clear separation of the ports of entry and the exit, in order to avoid the encounter of flows of users;
  • management interventions in order to favor the distribution of the public in all the spaces of the station in order to avoid crowding in the areas in front of the platforms opposite the tracks;
  • provision of one-way routes within the stations and in the corridors up to the tracks, so as to keep the flows of users entering and leaving separate;
  • daily sanitation and disinfection activities and periodic sanitization of the common areas of the stations;
  • installation of easily accessible dispensers to allow passengers hand hygiene;
  • regulation of the use of escalators and moving walks, always favoring an adequate distance between users;
  • announcements referring to the rules of social distancing on the platforms inviting users to keep the distance of at least one meter;
  • limitation of the use of waiting rooms and respect to them within the distance rules;
  • body temperature checks are recommended at gates ;
  • in commercial activities :

–          quota of attendance;

–          maintenance of interpersonal distances ;

–          separation of entry / exit flows ;

–          use of health safety devices

–          regulation of waiting queues ;

–          purchasing on line and delivery of products in a place predefined inside the station or at the edge of the store without the need to access it.

On board the train :

  • positioning of sanitizing gel dispensers on each vehicle;
  • elimination of the timing of closing the doors outside the stops, in order to facilitate the exchange of air inside the railway carriages ;
  • systematic sanitization of trains;
  • strengthening of staff dedicated to hygiene and decoration services;
  • provision of separate ascent and descent flows in each carriage. Where this is not possible, think about systems of regulation of ascent and descent in order to avoid gatherings in correspondence with the doors;
  • social distancing on board with the application of markers on non- usable seats ,
  • Passengers must necessarily wear a mask, also made of cloth, to protect the nose and mouth;
  • on long-distance trains (with online booking ):

–          distancing social to edge ensured through a mechanism of reservation “chessboard”;

–          application of markers on non- usable seats ;

–          adoption of the name ticket in order to identify all passengers and manage any cases of presence on board of suspected or acclaimed cases of positivity to the virus;

–          suspension of services of catering to the edge (welcome drink, bar, restaurant and services in place) until the date of reopening of bars and restaurants.


As regards non-scheduled transport services, in addition to the general forecasts for all public transport services, the passenger should not be allowed to occupy the available seat next to the driver.

On the rear seats of ordinary cars, in order to respect the safety distances, no more than two passengers may be carried, spaced as far as possible, if equipped with

suitable individual safety devices, in the absence of devices, only one passenger may be carried.

In cars approved for the transport of six or more passengers, models that do not require the presence of more than two passengers for each row of seats must be replicated, without prejudice to the use of masks. It is preferable to equip the cars with partition walls.

The driver must wear personal protective equipment.

These provisions, as applicable, should also be extended to boats carrying out non- scheduled transport services.

These Guidelines are automatically integrated or modified in the field of health protection on the basis of the indications or determinations taken by the Ministry of Health and by the World Health Organization (WHO) in relation to the methods of contagion of COVID- 19.